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subject The next few years were lean and chaotic
writer favour2 (ip:)
  • date 2019-12-16
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The next few years were 상계동포장이사 lean and chaotic. Nick recounts a stream of mishaps that exposed their inexperience, like making products copied from the internet. "We'd breached all of this IP [intellectual 이촌동용달이사 property]. We didn't know what IP was, or patents." Products had to be pulled in favour 레플리카신발=레플리카신발 of new ones and fresh ideas. Nick would sit on the phone all night, ringing retailers all over the world, searching for clients. The Walmart bite helped, and 용달이사싼곳 he quickly got a "tiny" showroom up and running in Hong Kong. All he could afford, it was a far cry from typical toy showrooms - large, open spaces he later discovered were central to the industry. That room also became his part-time home as he lived between Hong Kong and mainland China. "I used to unroll a mattress and sleep under the table," says Nick. "I'd wash at public bathrooms."
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